
Epic Labs will work with you to assess your planned or existing media solutions where premium-quality and real-time video functionalities are critical to deliver great user experience. We analyze your requirements and provide recommendations, define an architecture and work with you on implementing it leveraging WebRTC technology.

Business Challenge and how Epic Labs help

Real time video communications allow to create new and more immersive experiences. WebRTC is an enabling and foundational technology to create this type of experiences with a great level of compatibility across web browsers and mobile platforms.

EPIC_LABS_300ppp9This nascent technology needs a thoughtful architecture and implementation and, very often, needs to be complemented and integrated with additional technologies and services to provide a comprehensive end to end solution that delivers excellent user experience.
Epic Labs Media Engineering Team has an extensive knowledge on designing and implementing real-time video architectures on WebRTC.
As part of this service, we will work with you to understand and define the business needs  and user experiences your media solution will deliver, assess your existing architecture and provide recommendations on the architecture and implementation.

What is included

• Analyze the business needs for high-quality real-time video experiences
• Assess existing video communications based on WebRTC or other technologies
• Define an architecture designed to address your needs and constraints
• Implement the solution together with your engineers
• Optionally, integrate this real-time video solution with CDNs for broadcasting and massive reach

Our Media Engineering Team

Epic Labs is a Software Innovation Center with a passion, vocation and great expertise in media, video and streaming.We pride ourselves of our talented Media Engineer Team with an extensive background in companies such as Akamai, NEC, EMC or Pivotal that, combined with continued self-development and research allow us to provide our customers with innovative and differentiated Media Engineering services.

Some of the expertise leveraged on this service are:

Real time video communications, WebRTC, mobile platforms, nascent technology, CDNs for broadcasting, architecture and implementation.


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