Swarm Feeds Devcon4 presentation to Javier Peletier’s presentation

This post contains a link to Javier Peletier’s presentation in Devcon4 about Swarm Feeds.

Swarm Feeds allows users to use Swarm as a key-value store in which each user owns part of the overall keyspace.

Since in Swarm is a content-addressed storage network, changes to data will constantly result in changing hashes. Swarm Feeds provide a way to easily overcome this problem and provide a single, persistent, identifier to follow changing data. Notably, this enables social media-style DApps, IoT and many other applications!

Swarm Feeds provide a way to have a persistent identifier for changing data without having to use ENS. It is named Feeds for its similarity with a news feed.

If you are using Feeds in conjunction with an ENS resolver contract, only one initial transaction to register the “Feed manifest address” will be necessary. This key will resolve to the latest version of the Feed (updating the Feed will not change the key).

You can think of a Feed as a user’s Twitter account, where he/she posts updates about a particular Topic

Check Javier Peletier’s presentation for more details Swarm-Feeds.Devcon4-jpeletier

Scaffolding de aplicaciones con React Javascript Library

React fue la librería de 2015. Se ha metido de lleno en los stacks de los gigantes de la industria como Facebook, Netflix, Instagram, Apple, Airbnb, Paypal, etc.

Uno de los factores diferenciadores respecto a otras soluciones como Angular o Ember es que se define como una “librería para construir interfaces de usuario”, no como un framework al uso.

El minimalismo de React implica cuestionarse el tooling necesario para construir una aplicación compleja. Desde el manejo de los side effects hasta la gestión de las rutas, pasando por el formato del store y por el fetching de datos.

Hay tal cantidad de tooling que en parte se le atribuye al ecosistema de React la “Javascript Fatigue”, incluso importantes nombres de la industria critican la cantidad de boilerplate que hay que escribir en una aplicación grande.

EtherDune – Easy and extensible ENC28J60 Arduino TCP/IP library



What is EtherDune?

EtherDune is a new easy to use TCP/IP library for Arduino that supports ENC28J60. It is perfect if you want to get started very quickly and want to write maintainable, easy to read code in a small size.


  • Event-driven, non-blocking asynchronous API
  • Network services architecture:
    • Allows sharing hardware in a clean, non-interfering way.
    • Only the services you explicitly use in your code (e.g., DHCP, DNS, ICMP, TCP…) are compiled into your binary.
    • The services architecture allows you to enable or add new services without having to modify existing code. Need DHCP?: add the module and it will compile right in and configure your connection.
  • Extensible: Derive from a class to write your own protocol, at any level, e.g.:
    • Derive from NetworkService to implement any Ethernet-level protocol.
    • Derive from TCPSocket to implement TCP-based protocols
    • Derive from HTTPClient to connect to a web server or implement a specific webservice API client
    • And many more: UDPSocket, HTTPServer…
  • Use of PROGMEM and facilities to enable you to store IP addresses, MAC addresses in PROGMEM, as well as always accepting PROGMEM-stored strings.
  • TCP and UDP support:
    • Buffered write, making extensive use of ENC28J60’s RAM
    • Multiple simultaneous active sockets.
    • Built-in templated write, similar to printf.
  • Out-of-the-box: TCP, UDP, DHCP, DNS, ICMP (ping), HTTP client, HTTP server
  • ACross-compatible (debug step by step with your computer)
  • Logging/tracing support setting the _DEBUG preprocessor variable to 1
  • Open source – GPLv2
  • Full documentation
  • Detailed examples to get you started

Supported hardware:

  • Microchip’s ENC28J60
  • Tested on Atmel 328p-based Arduinos, but should work on most.

How to install:

  1. Download dependency libraries from GitHub:
  2. Download EtherDune v0.9 from GitHub
  3. Install by adding the contents of each .zip file to your Arduino libraries folder

GitHub homepage: https://github.com/epiclabs-io/etherdune

Documentation available here.